Thúy Nga Video 40 - PBN 23: Thế Giới Muôn Màu
01. Liên Khúc Em Sẽ Theo Anh -
Lilian, Don Hồ, Ngọc Huệ, Duy Hạnh, Hằng Nga, Phương Khanh, Huỳnh Thi, Thái Tài & Lynda Trang Ðài
02. Yêu - Ái Vân
03. Liên Khúc Ðưa Nhau Vào Cõi Ân Tình -
Dalena, Lilian, Duy Hạnh, Phương Khanh, Ngọc Huệ, Don Hồ, Ý Nhi & Lynda Trang Ðài
04. Chiếc Lá Cuối Cùng - Hoạ Mi
05. Tình Yêu Gần Gủi - Nguyên Thảo
06. Liên Khúc Lạnh Trọn Ðêm Mưa - Ngọc Huệ, Don Hồ, Hằng Nga, Duy Hạnh, Lilian, Huỳnh Thi & Dalena
07. Lời Yêu Thương - Dalena
08. Liên Khúc Giòng Sông Babylon - Bảo Hân, Henry Chúc & Ngọc Thuý
09. Anh Là Tất Cả - Ý Nhi
10. Sầu Vương Khối Mây - Ngọc Trọng
11. Em Mơ Về Anh - Mỹ Lan
12. Ðời Vẫn Buồn Xót Xa - Hương Thơ
13. Chuyện Tình Không Suy Tư - Mỹ Lan, Phương Loan & Ban Nhạc Chí Tài
Creds to Cang for Box Cover Pic =D
-Myson Nguyen (Ur Welcome =D)
My Rating:
Very Good
- Next PBN 29: In Las Vegas Pic ReCap (Continuation of ReCap Series)
- Previous Paris By Night 31 Pic ReCap (Continuation of ReCap Series)

My name is Myson Nguyen. Most of you that are visitng this page probably already know me from TN Forums as mysonnguyen1431. For those who don't know me, I am a major PBN junkie. I began watching at the age of 3, but I fell deeply in love with the program during my middle school years. Since then, I have collected PBN's 15 through now. I dedicated part of my middle school life iniating and maintaining this blog. After several years of vacancy, I decided to give this blog a major facelift. This site is still under construction, so I hope all of you can remain patient and bare with me. Since I am in college now, I'm devoting part of my time to revise this website and share with you some special posts so stay tuned, there's plenty more to come! Thank you for visiting xoxo
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